Dig-Geotech Limited

About Us
Contaminated Land
BRE 365 Soakaway Assessments

Site Investigation
Slope Stability
Isle of Wight.

Site Investigation Saturday 27th of July 2024

Any engineered scheme will rely at some point on support from the ground for foundations, retaining walls or pavements. Other geotechnical issues may relate to slope stability, groundwater, potential soil & water contamination or reuse of excavated materials. An appropriate site investigation is therefore needed to characterise the ground conditions at a site and to ascertain geotechnical parameters such as soil strength and permeability.

Dig-Geotech Ltd can advise Clients on a suitable ground investigation. Boreholes, Soil Sampling, Laboratory Testing and Reporting can be undertaken in-house for small and medium sized projects. For larger schemes Dig-Geotech Ltd often act as a specialist Geotechnical Consultant to prepare Tender documentation, supervise site works and prepare interpretative reports.

Dig-Geotech Ltd can undertake or arrange procurement of :-

  • Cable Percussion Boreholes
  • Rotary Cored Boreholes
  • Windowless Sampling & Dynamic Probing (DPSH)
  • TRL style Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing (to give CBR)
  • In-situ Plate Bearing Tests
  • Machine Excavated Trial Pits & Trenches
  • Hand Excavated Inspection Pits
  • BRE Digest 365 Soakaway Assessments
  • Laboratory Geotechnical Testing
  • Laboratory Contamination Testing
  • Factual Reporting
  • Interpretative Reporting



Contact Us:

David Grant
Dig-Geotech Ltd
+44 (0)1460 768 38
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Dig-Geotech Limited © 2024