Dig-Geotech Limited

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Contaminated Land
BRE 365 Soakaway Assessments

Site Investigation
Slope Stability
Isle of Wight.

Contaminated Land Tuesday 3rd of December 2024

Many new developments require a contaminated land desk study and an intrusive ground investigation for potential land contamination. The requirement may be to satisfy local planning authorities, the Environment Agency or the sponsoring organisations funding a scheme. Increasingly a contaminated land desk study and follow up intrusive ground investigation is carried out as part of pre-purchase due diligence checks.

Dig-Geotech Limited has significant experience in Contaminated Land Desk Studies, more typically referred to as the Phase 1 Desktop Study & Risk Assessment. The reports include visiting a site, collating historic maps and old trade directory listings, reviewing local council’s archives and searching fuel register entries etc. The information is collated and a Preliminary Conceptual Model and Preliminary Risk Assessment produced. The Conceptual Model & Risk Assessment are used to plan the following Phase 2 Intrusive Ground Investigations. Dig-Geotech’s background in practical engineering means that the reports take into account any proposed construction and give pragmatic advice in a report that is concise and relevant to the development.

If recommended by the Phase 1 report, an intrusive ground investigation may be necessary. An intrusive ground investigation may simply comprise hand or machine excavated trial pits or may extend to boreholes and groundwater monitoring wells. Samples of soil and water will be collected and sent to appropriate laboratories for testing. The results of the intrusive ground investigation are analysed and an interpretative report prepared. The report assesses the risk of development at the site and gives recommendations to mitigate any risks. If needed, remedial works can be designed by Dig-Geotech and the works supervised on-site.

Dig-Geotech realise that many Clients are small developers or landowners who do not have specialist knowledge related to contamination. Dig-Geotech will therefore explain the findings of any site investigation to a client in terms of the practical works that they shall need to undertake to allow their development to proceed.




Contact Us:

David Grant
Dig-Geotech Ltd
+44 (0)1460 768 38
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