Dig-Geotech Limited

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Contaminated Land
BRE 365 Soakaway Assessments

Site Investigation
Slope Stability
Isle of Wight.

Geotechnical Consultancy & Sub Consultancy Saturday 27th of July 2024

A significant proportion of Dig-Geotech’s turnover is as a specialist geotechnical or geoenvironmental sub consultant to other engineering design organisations.

Dig-Geotech has long standing associations with Hewson Consulting Engineers for works related to complex bridges & temporary works design and to Tari Willis Associates Ltd for buildings related geotechnical & landslide assessments on the Isle of Wight.

Other recent sub consultancy commissions have been for assessment of reinforced earth walls, highways earthworks and embankment slopes and for landfill earthworks and slopes.

Dr David Grant









Contact Us:

David Grant
Dig-Geotech Ltd
+44 (0)1460 768 38
Show Text Geotechnical Consultancy & Sub Consultancy Geotechnical Consultancy & Sub Consultancy Geotechnical Consultancy & Sub Consultancy Geotechnical Consultancy & Sub Consultancy Geotechnical Consultancy & Sub Consultancy
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